revista de literatura y cultura latinoamericana e indígena


Chasqui is seeking full-length manuscripts, 5,000-10,000 words (including notes and bibliography), in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Quechua, among other Indigenous languages, that focus on significant theoretical issues in the analysis of Latin American and Indigenous cultural production, with particular emphasis on literature. Essays that focus on interdisciplinary approaches such as environmental studies, Indigenous studies, critical race theory, subaltern studies, decolonial theories, affect theories, feminism, queer and trans theories, disability studies and crip theory, film, performance and media studies, sound studies, popular culture, posthumanism, and the bridging of national and linguistic divisions, are especially encouraged. Essays dealing with specific texts or authors will only be of interest if they address theoretical, critical and/ or methodological questions.

Submissions, which will undergo double-blind review, should be received in full conformance with the journal’s Style Guide (online) which is based upon the 7th edition of the MLA Style Manual. Manuscripts should contain no reference to the author; a separate cover sheet should contain the author’s name and the title of the essay. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically to the Editor. All essays accepted for publication are subject to editorial copyediting as regards questions of linguistic accuracy, style, expository format, and documentation. Contributors to Chasqui must be subscribers at the time their articles are published. Given the current economic conditions Chasqui will waive the subscription for authors affiliated with Latin America institutions. This measure does not include dossiers, because the additional pages impact the cost of mailing as a whole.

For the Sección Lenguas y Literaturas Indígenas, see the following call for papers.

Essays should follow the style guide below:

Chasqui Style Guide (English / Spanish)

Submission of articles should be sent to:

Cynthia Tompkins
Arizona State University
School of International Letters and Cultures

Submission of articles for Sección Lenguas y Literaturas Indígenas should be sent to:

Gloria Elizabeth Chacón
University of California San Diego
Literature Department

Book review submissions: Emily Hind,

Guidelines for review submissions

Film review submissions: Scott Boehm,

Chasqui is seeking film reviews (approximately 1000 words) of Latin American films (either fiction films or documentaries) or films dealing with Latin America released in the past 3 years.